St Mark’s school, Tunbridge Wells
We have a close relationship with St Mark’s CEP school, with three foundation governors, including Claire our Vicar. Claire regularly leads collective worship in school and four school services take place in the church annually.
For more information, see the school website here:
“At St Mark’s CEP School we enjoy a good relationship with our church. As a school we visit the church for worship regularly and Crossteach visit each week to lead worship in school. The children also visit the church during Religious Education lessons to find out about various aspects of the church and services. These links enable us to provide an excellent education for the children in the context of Christian values and prepare them for life in all its fullness.
Through our association with the church, we are able to strengthen our links with the local community with our choir singing for members of the community and links with other schools at the Rochester Church Schools Festival. We are very appreciative of the support that we receive from both parents and the community.”