Community Larder
The Community Larder is open every Wednesday, 1-3pm. Suggested donation of £3 for a large bag of food and toiletries. Bookings to be made in advance via text (07984 523646) or email (stmarkscommunitylarder@gmail.com). All welcome.
The Community Larder is open every Wednesday, 1-3pm. Suggested donation of £3 for a large bag of food and toiletries. Bookings to be made in advance via text (07984 523646) or email (stmarkscommunitylarder@gmail.com). All welcome.
Thanks to a wonderful team of volunteers the church is open on Tuesdays weekly for private prayer and reflection from 11.30am – 1.30pm. Do pop in if you need some reflective space in your day.
The Community Larder is open every Wednesday, 1-3pm. Suggested donation of £3 for a large bag of food and toiletries. Bookings to be made in advance via text (07984 523646) or email (stmarkscommunitylarder@gmail.com). All welcome.
All Age Service of Holy Communion with Sunday School
8.30am BCP Holy Communion Service from St Mark’s Church
Thanks to a wonderful team of volunteers the church is open on Tuesdays weekly for private prayer and reflection from 11.30am – 1.30pm. Do pop in if you need some reflective space in your day.
The Community Larder is open every Wednesday, 1-3pm. Suggested donation of £3 for a large bag of food and toiletries. No need to book. All welcome.
8.30am BCP Holy Communion Service from St Mark’s Church
10am Parish All Age Mothering Sunday Service from St Mark’s Church . All welcome!
Thanks to a wonderful team of volunteers the church is open on Tuesdays weekly for private prayer and reflection from 11.30am – 1.30pm. Do pop in if you need some reflective space in your day.
The Community Larder is open every Wednesday, 1-3pm. Suggested donation of £3 for a large bag of food and toiletries. Bookings to be made in advance via text (07984 523646) or email (stmarkscommunitylarder@gmail.com). All welcome.
A service of silence and contemplative prayer. All welcome for some peace and focus at a time where lives are busy and the world feels particularly unstable.
8.30am BCP Holy Communion Service from St Mark’s Church
10am Parish All Age Service from St Mark’s Church. All welcome!
Thanks to a wonderful team of volunteers the church is open on Tuesdays weekly for private prayer and reflection from 11.30am – 1.30pm. Do pop in if you need some reflective space in your day.
The Community Larder is open every Wednesday, 1-3pm. Suggested donation of £3 for a large bag of food and toiletries. Bookings to be made in advance via text (07984 523646) or email (stmarkscommunitylarder@gmail.com). All welcome.
8.30am BCP Holy Communion Service from St Mark’s Church
Parish Holy Communion Service with children’s groups
Our monthly bereavement group has been moved to the third Sunday this month. This is a confidential and supportive group which normally meets the second Sunday of the month for anyone who might find it helpful, to come and go as they are able. There is no pressure to attend all of the groups or to attend church. It is rather an opportunity to meet with others who have experienced loss, to remember loved ones and to talk about living with loss. All welcome.
Markswomen will meet in the Church Hall for an Easter talk and quiz with Rosemarie Jolley from The Wells Church, followed by refreshments. A warm welcome to all.
7.30pm - Service of Holy Communion with foot-washing and stripping of the altar
10am All Age Easter Garden Service followed by Hot Cross Buns!
2pm - Reflective hour at the Cross with Holy Communion
10am - Easter Day All Age Communion Service with Easter egg hunt for the children
Thanks to a wonderful team of volunteers the church is open on Tuesdays weekly for private prayer and reflection from 11.30am – 1.30pm. Do pop in if you need some reflective space in your day.
The Community Larder is open every Wednesday, 1-3pm. Suggested donation of £3 for a large bag of food and toiletries. Bookings to be made in advance via text (07984 523646) or email (stmarkscommunitylarder@gmail.com). All welcome.
8.30am BCP Holy Communion Service from St Mark’s Church
10am Parish Holy Communion Service from St Mark’s Church with Sunday School
The Community Larder is open every Wednesday, 1-3pm. Suggested donation of £3 for a large bag of food and toiletries. Bookings to be made in advance via text (07984 523646) or email (stmarkscommunitylarder@gmail.com). All welcome.
A service of silence and contemplative prayer. All welcome for some peace and focus at a time where lives are busy and the world feels particularly unstable.
Thanks to a wonderful team of volunteers the church is open on Tuesdays weekly for private prayer and reflection from 11.30am – 1.30pm. Do pop in if you need some reflective space in your day.
This months Markswomen welcomes nutritionist Jackie Morrell. Ladies of all ages are welcome for chat and refreshments.
Our monthly bereavement group has been moved to the third Sunday this month. This is a confidential and supportive group which normally meets the second Sunday of the month for anyone who might find it helpful, to come and go as they are able. There is no pressure to attend all of the groups or to attend church. It is rather an opportunity to meet with others who have experienced loss, to remember loved ones and to talk about living with loss. All welcome.
8.30am BCP Holy Communion Service from St Mark’s Church
Ash Wednesday Service with ashing of foreheads, incorporating silence and contemplative prayer. All welcome for some peace and focus at a time where lives are busy and the world feels particularly unstable. Come and go as you wish.
The Community Larder is open every Wednesday, 1-3pm. Suggested donation of £3 for a large bag of food and toiletries. No need to book. All welcome.
Thanks to a wonderful team of volunteers the church is open on Tuesdays weekly for private prayer and reflection from 11.30am – 1.30pm. Do pop in if you need some reflective space in your day.
8.30am BCP traditional Holy Communion Service from St Mark’s Church
The Community Larder is open every Wednesday, 1-3pm. Suggested donation of £3 for a large bag of food and toiletries. Bookings to be made in advance via text (07984 523646) or email (stmarkscommunitylarder@gmail.com). All welcome.
Thanks to a wonderful team of volunteers the church is open on Tuesdays weekly for private prayer and reflection from 11.30am – 1.30pm. Do pop in if you need some reflective space in your day.
This is a confidential and supportive group for any who might find it helpful, to come and go as they are able. There is no pressure to attend all of the groups or to attend church. It is rather an opportunity to meet with others who have experienced loss, to remember loved ones and to talk about living with loss. All welcome.
A service of silence and contemplative prayer. All welcome for some peace and focus at a time where lives are busy and the world feels particularly unstable.
8.30am BCP Holy Communion Service from St Mark’s Church
8.30am BCP Holy Communion Service from St Mark’s Church
Celebrate the start of Christmas day at St Mark with this lively all-age service of Holy Communion with Christmas carols
Traditional Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion service to celebrate the birth of Christ
Midnight Mass at St Mark’s. A celebration service of Holy Communion and carols as Christmas Day dawns
Our annual festive Christingle Service, in aid of the Children’s Society, is open to all. Come along and make your own Christingle to take home in this delightful all-age service with Christmas Carols!
Carols by Candlelight - a beautiful festive service of nine lessons and carols, led by our scratch Community Choir. Mulled wine and mince pies served from 5:30pm. All are Welcome.
Thanks to a wonderful team of volunteers the church is open on Tuesdays weekly for private prayer and reflection from 11.30am – 1.30pm. Do pop in if you need some reflective space in your day.
Adults and children (with a parent/carer) welcome to sing with this scratch Christmas Choir, which will lead the singing at St Mark’s Carols by Candlelight service on 22nd at 6:30pm
All-age festive service with Christmas carols and a nativity. Come dressed as your favourite Christmas character
Adults and children (with a parent/carer) welcome to sing with this scratch Christmas Choir, which will lead the singing at St Mark’s Carols by Candlelight Service on 22nd at 6:30pm
All Age service focussing on the Mayor’s Toy Appeal. New toy donations are welcome - please bring along to the service.
10am The Feast of Christ the King - Parish Holy Communion Service from St Mark’s Church with the admission of children to Holy Communion and baptisms
Please join us for our monthly Markswomen meeting in the Church Hall from 7:30pm. This month we welcome a second tour of old Tunbridge Wells with Eric Christian. Open to all!
St. Mark's Church, Tunbridge Wells, Tel: +44 (0)1892 526069, office@stmarkschurch.org.uk
Charity Commission Number: 1131775